Sonic The Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Cosy up and snuggle down, for tonight's bedtime story is all about Sonic the Hedgehog and his battle with Dr. Robotnik, or Dr. Eggman as you might know him.
You find yourself in a very hilly and very green field. Usually bustling with activity and life, you notice there are no animals around. You know, from playing the game, there should be rabbits, hedgehogs, birds and many other animals in these fields. Instead, you can see lots of gold rings scattered all over the place. Some are easy to reach, but others are high in the sky or in equally difficult places to reach.
Other than that, it's quiet with only the breeze making a noise as it rustles through the longer-than-usual grass. In the distance you can hear a whirring sound and you turn to see what it is. As soon as you turn around, you see a blue flash zoom past you. You follow the flash, but it stops abruptly and makes its way back to you. As it comes to a halt, you recognise the blue streak as Sonic the Hedgehog and you realise you're in Green Hill Zone, the first ever stage of Sonic's battle with Eggman. You want to help, but don't know how. As if reading your mind, Sonic gestures for you to follow him. He has a plan, and although you can't run as fast as he can, you can certainly try to help. You follow him as he walks through the fields, pointing at the animals' empty houses and burrows. You know he's trying to tell you that he needs to find Eggman, for he has trapped these poor animals and turned them into robot slaves. Sonic isn't quite sure yet what Eggman wants, and he's not wanted to hurt his friends, even though they're trying to hurt sonic as robots. But Sonic knows it's not really them.
Sonic signals that he needs to find Eggman. You're not sure how you can help, but sonic places a controller in your hand. He shows you how to help him jump further and run faster, as well as showing you one of his tricks: curling up into a ball and spinning so fast that he's able to destroy walls, enemies and much more, as well as being able to go even faster than he can run. He also tells you that you'll be able to help control his jumps, and to avoid the robot slaves. You nod, agreeing that trying to protect the animals was the most important thing.
It's not long before you're settled and overlooking the valley Sonic is in. You can see his path and use the controller to help him navigate the valley. You help direct him to collect as many gold rings as you can, and they serve as a path through the valley. To start with, it's easy to avoid the robots, who are all looking for Sonic. But as Sonic gets further into the valley, it becomes almost impossible for him to avoid them. You step up, using the controller to help him, but there are just too many. You accidentally hit a robotic ladybird, and it crashes apart. Sonic stops, and you watch to see what happens next. Out of the explosion bounces a little rabbit. It is confused and doesn't quite know where it is. You see Sonic bend down to talk to the rabbit. It becomes clear that Eggman is trying to take over the world, and has started a quest to find the six Chaos Emeralds. Without them he won't be able to finish his mission. Sonic knows that the emeralds are hidden away on a different island from where you currently are. He now needs to save the animals and get the emeralds before Eggman does.
You help Sonic through the rest of the first part of Green Hill Zone. You help him jump over gaps, find hidden boxes that give him extra speed and almost impossible to hurt. You use the rolling power to help him destroy more robotic slaves and free the animals inside them. You help Sonic bounce through the trees and collect as many rings as you can. Once you hit 100 rings, Sonic gets and extra life, so you try to collect as many as you can.
As you crash through piranha robots, leap off wasp robots and smash into more crab robots, you can tell you're getting closer and closer to the end of the Green Hill Zone. You've freed all of the robot slaves you've come across and the land is buzzing again with life. But your job is still not done.
You see Sonic make his way up to the highest hill in the zone. On the horizon you can see a bobbing dot. As it gets bigger, you can tell it's a humongous, round plane. And you can just make it out that Dr Eggman is flying it and he's heading straight for Sonic. You grab your controller and force Sonic to jump. Sonic sees Dr. Eggman approaching and readies himself. There are only two places to hide, but you and Sonic are positive he won't see you. As Sonic hides, however, Dr. Eggman chortles with laughter as he drops a huge wrecking ball from his aircraft. It's clear now, Dr. Eggman is going to try to knock Sonic off the edge of the Green Hill Zone cliffs. You'll have to work hard to beat him. You grab your controller and signal to Sonic that you're ready. Sonic gives you a thumbs up. You just have to wait now until Dr Eggman is close enough to strike.
Dr. Eggman is right over Sonic's head, and is swinging his big wrecking ball beneath trying to knock out Sonic. You help Sonic avoid the first swing, but you're not sure how to stop Dr. Eggman. You help Sonic jump over the wrecking ball a second time, and accidentally hit Dr. Eggman's aircraft. He stops for a second, he's been hurt. You use this time to guide Sonic to the other side of the hill, forcing Dr. Eggman to come to Sonic. This is great news, you now have a way of damaging Dr. Eggman's aircraft and you prepare to dodge and hit him again.
Twice, three times, and a fourth time you manage to help Sonic smash into Dr. Eggman's ship. You don't now how many more times you need to hit him, but you - and Sonic - are confident it won't be long. But you're getting too bold now, and Dr Eggman manages to hit Sonic hard with his wrecking ball. Sonic falls back and looses the golden rings he'd collected. He quickly tries to collect as many of them as he can before Dr Eggman takes another swing. You help him avoid it, and quickly jump back towards him. You hit him, and Eggman's ship is smoking now, plumes of black smoke is coming from the engine. Eggman is getting worried, but he's more determined than ever. In an attempt to destroy you, he swings hard, and misses! This leaves a chance for you to push Sonic to jump on him. Twice! You'd have thought that would have been enough. But it's not. Sonic catches Dr Eggman's eye, and they lock on. You can't stop him now, Sonic has fired himself straight at the oncoming ship. Eggman too is looking to hit Sonic. As the wrecking ball reaches Sonic, he skips up, rolls and smashes down on Eggman's ship, avoiding the wrecking ball. Part of Eggman's ship explodes with a bang. Eggman turns his ship around and limps off into the sky, leaving a trail of black smoke behind him.
You run down to Sonic to make sure he's ok. He's fine, and around him the animals start appearing. As they realise Dr Eggman has been defeated, they start to get more chatty and louder and more excited. They encircle you and Sonic, thanking you again and again. Sonic is graceful, but you can tell he's only just started his mission. He looks at you as if to say "thank you". You nod and slip away.
It's been a busy day, and you've helped your friend defeat an old enemy. You're tired now, and find yourself a hill overlooking the rest of the Green Hill Zone. The breeze is cool and calming. Before long you find yourself drifting away, and awaiting your next adventure.
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