Mario Kart Racers
Mario Kart Racers
Snuggle down and settle in, for tonight's story takes us on a magical racing tour of the Mario Kart world, where your Mii races against some of your favourite characters from the game.
In today's race, which you received a special invitation for, you'll be racing around Moo Moo Farm, one of the first races in the Mushroom Cup series, and a track you know well. It's not a difficult track, and you have your kart racer ready to go. It's an amazing looking kart which is sleek and long and light and strong. You chose the body yourself, and the wheels are little plastic buttons that give you more speed around the corners, while your glider is a rainbow glider cut like into a rainbow shape to give you as much gliding time as you can get. You're happy with your kart and line up on the track to see which five other racers you'll be facing.
The other racers come in; King Boo drives on with a mean looking kart, Luigi is driving a green motorbike, Bowser is driving a huge kart that looks like a hoover, Princess Peach is also on a pink bike, while Yoshi is driving what looks like a teacup. Everyone is ready and waiting at the starting line. You notice Bowser looking at King Boo and pointing at you and Yoshi. You choose to ignore it and focus on racing - the lights are starting to countdown and you can't be distracted by the plans of your rivals. There are three laps and you have to concentrate on getting a good start. You rev your engine as the countdown continues to zero. The lights are green and off you go, with a super power boost you didn't know you had. You look back and Yoshi has blown his engine up. Ahead of you King Boo got a better start, and Princess Peach is behind you. You can't see anyone else, but you're off and you now settle into the race as you approach the first corner.
Before you head into the first right hand turn, you notice an item box being snatched by King Boo, he has picked up three green shells and they spin around him protecting him from any other incoming attacks. He can also fire them at people in front or behind him. You're distracted and miss the turn, scraping into the fence. Princess Peach wizzes past you leaving, followed closely by Bowser and Luigi. You're now in fifth place with Yoshi close behind. You can see the moles popping up their heads and a big patch of mud which you avoid. Princess Peach is caught in the mud as you and Yoshi fly past her. You're now in fourth place and right behind Luigi. You manage to pick up an item box and get three red shells. These shells are targeting shells that you can fire without aiming and they'll hit whoever is directly in front of you or behind you. You decide to leave Yoshi alone in the hope that you can use one shell for each person in front of you. If you hit them correctly, it could mean you could take first place on the first lap!
You come round the corner and under the bridge and fire your first shell. It hits Luigi and sends him spinning. You fire the second shell and you miss Bowser. He had a banana skin which he dropped behind him stopping the shell from reaching him. You fire the final shell and finally hit Bowser, but he's too far ahead for you to overtake him. You pass Luigi but you're still behind Bowser and King Boo.
As you turn the corner both Bowser and King Boo have picked up more items. Luckily for you, however, they've left a couple behind. You pick up a banana, but not before you're hit from behind with a green shell! Yoshi had fired the shell just as you picked up the item box and had a direct hit. He zooms past you, quickly followed by Princess Peach. You're in fifth place now and Luigi is catching up with you quickly. You drop your banana as you cross the start/finish line. Luigi slips on it and falls further behind. You have two laps to go.
You're now on Yoshi's tail having picked up another item box. Avoiding the moles popping their heads out of the ground and trying to knock you out, you use the mushroom. It boosts you ahead of Yoshi. Your kart hits his as you pass sending him off course and crashing into the fence. You're turning the corner and heading for the item boxes under the bridge. You can see the others ahead of you. They're crossing the start/finish line for the last time, you have to push hard now.
You grab an item before you pass the start/finish line again. This time it's three mushrooms. You're going to have to use them at just the right time if you want to catch up. But King Boo, who is still in first place, is still quite a way away. But as you push around the first corner a blue shell wizzes past your head. The blue shell is heading for King Boo, and Bowser is close behind him. If you're lucky, it will take both of them out at the same time! You use all three mushrooms as you turn to head into the final corner, passing Princess Peach easily. The finish line is coming up soon, and you see King Boo and Bowser hit by the exploding blue shell. They've come to a complete stop. Your only worry is crossing the line first. You press hard down on the accelerator and narrowly pass both Bowser and King Boo, but Princess Peach is right behind you. She fires a green shell. It misses you narrowly, bouncing off the fence and hitting her! She drops to fifth place as King Boo, Bowser and Yoshi pass her.
You cross the finish line first! You win the race and complete one more lap of the track slowly, waving to the moles, cows and the crowds who had been cheering you on.
As you park up, you're approached by your rivals. You all shake hands before you take your place on the podium to get your medal.
It's been an exciting and exhausting day, you've made a load of new friends and explored one of your favourite games. Now you must rest and await your next adventure.
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