Human Fall Flat
Human Fall Flat
Snuggle down and cosy up, for tonight you explore the mind-bending world of Human Fall Flat.
You find yourself standing in the grounds of a large mansion, surrounded by tall, fluted columns, partially constructed walls, and a variety of marble statues. In front of you are steps leading to a small landing. As you walk forwards your body feels very strange. It is as if your bones have softened. Although you can control your muscles, your movements are not as precise as usual. You awkwardly climb the steps and try to stay in the middle. In this new form, you don’t want to get too close to the edge and risk falling from the safety of the platforms, suspended in the sky.
At the top you find a pair of silver doors. You push against them, but they do not move. You notice two buttons to the left of the doors. You’re inquisitive, so you raise your hands to press the buttons. You try to press them using your hands, but it’s harder to precisely control your own movements than you think. Finally, you manage to press a button, but nothing happens. You decide to press the other button with the other hand. Again, nothing happens. You try with both hands, but you find it difficult to control both limbs at the same time. You also learn that your hand can stick to the surfaces if you keep it pressed on them. You make a mental note that once one hand is stuck, it is very difficult to manoeuvre the other. With practice and patience, and after a few attempts, you succeed. The doors glide open. You know it will take time for you to be more confident with your movement.
In the next room you are surprised to find a train has crashed through the balcony of the level above and is partially buried in the floor. To the right of the train a pair of doors is blocked by a heavy container on tiny wheels. You remember how your hands stuck to the wall and wonder if you can use the technique to move objects too. Placing both hands on the container you are pleased to find they stick fast, and you are able to drag the container away from the doors. You release the container and push forward through the doors, careful not to touch them and get stuck.
The door leads you to the next part of the level, and you’re looking down on four rows of what appear to be carriages of some sort. These must belong to the train you saw before. They are lower than the level you are on, but the exit doors are on your level, but on the other side of the carriages. You waddle down some steps to examine them in more detail. They are very large and very heavy. You look around to see if there is any other way to climb to the exit but can find nothing. You stop to figure out what to do next. It isn’t going to be easy to get to the other side.
After some thought, you calculate that by moving the carriages along the tracks, you can line them up in order to walk across their roofs and get to the other side.
It takes a lot of effort to move them and you have to keep checking that you are lining them up correctly. Once they are in position, you climb back up the steps and onto the first carriage. It is then you notice the gaps between the carriages are very wide. You decide to see if you can jump. You miss and fall to the ground. Picking yourself up, you try again. This time, as you jump, one of your hands touches the carriage and sticks. For a moment you are hanging from the side. You let go and fall to the ground. This has given you an idea. This time you raise both of your hands above your head and jump. Your hands stick to the top of the carriage and you are able to pull yourself onto the roof. You repeat the process for the next two rows and arrive on the far side. You press the single button and exit the room.
You find yourself staring at a bright yellow crane with a wrecking ball attached. The ball is hanging by a long chain over the centre of a huge break in the floor which is far too wide for you to jump. Without hesitating, you go as fast as you can towards the ball, and with your hands held high, launch yourself into the air. To your relief, you stick to the ball and it begins to swing. By timing the movement of your body precisely, you increase the swing of the ball until you are past the gap in the floor. You release your grip and land safely next to the crane.
At first there appears to be no exit from this room, but you can see an area of wall that looks different from the rest. You can clearly see the blocks and where they are resting on each other. Climbing aboard the crane you find a lever with a red handle. You grab the handle and move it from side to side. The wrecking ball begins to swing. With each movement of the lever the swing increases until the ball is smashing into the wall. It breaks apart easily. You leave the crane and scramble over the rubble to enter the final room.
Ahead of you is a huge windmill. On your left is a wooden crate and directly in front of you is a large green square set into the floor. You stand on the square and are surprised to see it light up. At the same time, the sails on the windmill begin to turn. It’s a switch. As you get off, the light goes out and the sails stop. You understand that you will need to use the crate to hold the button down. You grab the crate with both hands and drag it over to the switch.
It works. The sails begin to turn.
Arriving at the windmill, you are careful to avoid the heavy sails as they pass just above the ground. When you are ready to make your move, you reach out with both hands and grab one of them as it passes. You are whisked high into the air and are spun around several times before you are able to get your bearings and let go at the right moment.
Landing on the narrow walkway at the top of the windmill you are faced with a giant slide. Its silver body snakes down the whole height of the windmill and ends just before a huge gap in the ground. Beyond the gap, you notice a set of giant steps protruding from the side of a high cliff. You can see that the first step is far too high for you to climb and so you look around for something to help. On the walkway near where you are standing is a wooden barrel. It is just the right height. You grab this with both hands and throw it down the slide. You don’t let go. It takes you with it and together you hurtle to the bottom. Then, right at the end, the slide tips up and you are projected high into the air. You sail over the gap and land near the first step. The cliff looks much higher from where you are standing and you will have to use all your strength and determination if you are to make it all the way to the top.
You position the barrel at the base of the first step. Employing the newly learnt technique you applied to the railway carriages, you jump and scramble your way up each step until eventually you reach a plateau covered in rich green grass. You immediately notice the air is full of birdsong.
There are no walls and no exits from this plateau, and you wonder how to proceed. Further examination of your surroundings reveals a trap door set into the ground. You open it, jump down and find yourself at the beginning of a huge underground tunnel. Looking ahead you see a line of extremely tall stone pillars rising from the ground a long way below. Their tops are level with the ground you are on, but they are spaced far apart. At the end of the line, you see only an expanse of pure blue sky. This is your final challenge. You know you will need to time your movements perfectly. Raising your hands, you leap towards the first pillar. As you grab hold of the top, there is a loud crack, and the pillar begins to topple forward. As it strikes the next pillar, you have only moments to scramble up and leap onto the next one before the one you were on crumbles away beneath you. You pass from pillar to pillar and hurtle towards the end of the line. As you reach the last pillar you realise there is a small landing area that you had not seen from the start. By now you’re much more confident with the way in which your body moves. You time your final jump and land perfectly in the centre of the platform. There is nowhere else to go.
You walk over to the edge of the platform and stare into the intense blue of the sky that surrounds you. You take one final look over your shoulder and remember all the obstacles you have overcome. You are immensely proud of your achievements, but you are also tired.
You know this game and know what you must do. You’ve often wondered what it would feel like to complete one of these levels in real life. You make your way to the edge of the cliff and prepare to leave.
Smiling, you step forward and tumble, weightless, over the edge of the level.
With the warm air cushioning your descent, you start to relax. You close your eyes, and with the soft sound of the wind rushing past, you gently drift off, awaiting your next adventure.
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