Angry Birds
Angry Birds
Cosy up and snuggle down, for tonight’s story is all about some very Angry Birds, and how they needed your help to find defeat the extremely naughty piggies that kept stealing their eggs.
You find yourself in this beautifully colourful world where you can see some very strange looking buildings that look as though they’d collapse with the slightest of winds. But there is no wind at all here, just glorious weather with the sunbeams flooding everything around you and making it look as bright as it can be. The buildings made of bits of wood, panels of glass and look like they’d been built in haste to hide something.
You’re not standing there alone long before you hear a rustle in some bushes near by, followed by a pinging and then a whooshing sound. You look up to see a streak of yellow disappear ahead of you. All of a sudden, and not too far away, you see a cloud of dust and the building you had been looking at, wobble slightly before settling down again.
“What have we got here then?”
You turn around to see a red bird, almost the same size as you, walking towards you from a couple of bushes. You realise this must have been where the rustling had come from, and you notice a very big stick with what looks to be an even bigger rubber band attached to it. Before you know it, you’re standing face-to-face with this enormous bird, but you’re not scared. You smile and nod, as if to say hello.
“I’m Red, nice to meet you,” the bird says. Before he can say anymore though, another rustle and ping, followed by yet another streak in the sky above you. This time, however, the streak is blue and you’re sure you hear giggling. You have no idea what’s going on, and Red, noticing your confusion, puts his feathered wing around you and leads you to the source of the shuffling. He pushes away the branches and reveals a massive slingshot, with a green bird climbing into it. You’re confused, but Red explains. Many moons ago the piggies came to the birds world and started stealing their eggs. They didn’t take many at first, and the birds didn’t know the piggies were stealing them. But one day the Mighty Eagle Family had spotted the piggies stealing the eggs. And not just some eggs, but all the eggs. The birds decided then to form a resistance and take back their eggs from the evil piggies. They knew where the piggies had put the eggs, but the only way they could get to them was by firing themselves at the forts the piggies had built. There was one problem that the birds couldn’t figure out though and that was how the buildings were built.
You see, each type of bird has its own unique special power. Red explained that he was able to knock down most things, but if it was a heavier block he’d rely on his brothers, Big Reds who are four times his size. He explained that the blue streaks in the sky you’d seen were The Blues, triplets who were specialists in smashing through glass. And the yellow was Chuck, who went super when he was activated and was able to smash through wood and push over heavier blocks. You learn about Bomb; the blackbird that blows up on landing. Matilda who drops an explosive egg before flying off, or Hal, who flies like a boomerang as well as many others.
Red explained that to be successful at taking the piggies forts out, they would need a pilot controller on the ground that would help them hit the buildings.
“We are able to fire ourselves fine, but we keep missing the target because we pull the slingshot too much or too little.” He explained. Because all the birds were of different sizes and weights, the couldn’t figure out what the best power and angle to fire the slingshot at.
“Could you help us?” Red asks.
You nod. Red gets very excited and hands you a stone tablet with a screen in it. He explains that all you have to do is target the buildings and piggies and fire the birds from the slingshot. You worry that you’ll hurt the birds, but Red assures you they’ll be fine and that they’ve been doing this for a long time.
“Try with me,” says Red as he scrambles into the slingshot, pushing out Hal.
You look down at the stone tablet and you can see Red ready to be launched, and you can see the piggies’ fort. You pull back on the slingshot and move it around to get the perfect speed and height. You’re happy, so you release and look up. You hear Red go pinging into the sky.
“WOOOOHhoooooooooo” you hear him disappear. You quickly look down at your tablet just in time to see Red hit the fort and knock down the first wall. The impact also shook the foundations of the other blocks holding the fort together, meaning another wall fell down on another piggie. There was only one piggie left. In the middle of the building and he was wearing a helmet. You remember the different bird types Red told you about and Hal is standing next to you. He’s the only one left. Without saying a word, Hal climbs up into the slingshot ready to be fired.
“Launch when ready, chief!” He says. You look down at your tablet and try to measure the best path for Hal. You remember he’s a boomerang and think that you would be able to get him to fly above the fort first, and boomerang back lower which would mean he’d knock the rest of the building down and destroy the last piggie. You fire and hope your calculations are right.
Hal pings out of the slingshot and heads towards the building. You can’t take your eyes of the screen. He flies over the building as you planned, and starts boomeranging back. He hits the first post, but he doesn’t have the power to knock down the last post and to destroy the piggie. But the piggie’s helmet has been knocked off and he’s bruised. You just need to finish the job now.
As you look around desperately for another bird, Matilda steps out of the bushes and climbs into the slingshot.
“Make it a good one,” she says. “And don’t forget to tap the screen to drop my eggy bomb!”
You look down back at your tablet and aim at the remains of the building, aware you need to be a little higher than usual so Matilda has enough time to drop the bomb. You settle on the angle and power and release. You watch as Matilda starts to drop getting closer to the target. You had forgotten how much heavier she’d be than the others and you worry she won’t make it.
She’s dropping fast, but she’s approaching the final piggie. You have to make a decision: fire early or risk losing the eggy bomb and Matilda. You decide to fire early. Matilda drops her eggy bomb and flies off, hitting the top of a remaining tower on her way. The tower falls, and the eggy bomb is just right, destroying the rest of the building and the last piggie.
You look up from the tablet and see Red, The Blues, Hal and Chuck all coming through the bushes. They’d made their way back after the attack and had just seen Matilda fly over them. Matilda would be back soon, but the rest of the birds huddle around you and your tablet to see the damage done and are so very happy they’d finally destroyed the building. As they watch, three eggs roll out of the building and start rolling back towards you and your bird friends.
“There are many of these buildings to knock down and eggs to save, but thanks to you we now know how to attack them,” says Red.
Red explains that he and the birds have been working on a special game that works on tablets and phones which they can get humans to help them defeat the piggies. He tells you that you were chosen to test the system because you knew the world so well and have helped many other gaming characters.
“We can now send this to every one to help us with our battle against the naughty piggies. Thank you.” He says as the eggs roll through the bushes to join their bird parents.
The birds are all excitedly chirping around you, thanking you. As they start planning, you slip away and find the largest tree to sit under. It’s warm and you’re tired now. You’ve had a busy day and you need to rest. You drift off to sleep and await your next adventure.
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